Alex O’Loughlin Weekly Wrap Up – Week of April 3


This past week was another good week of behind the scenes with a lot of activity in the life of Alex. That is the good news, however, unfortunately it is the last of it for a while as he wrapped season 7 on Thursday. Most of the activity actually came from the wrap activities and the cast and crew sharing that with the fans.

Take a look at the last wrap up for a while to see if you missed anything.



Behind the Scenes


Each of the cast wrapped differently as they shot their last day. Alex was last man out on Thursday but starting with Daniel who wrapped last Friday, and then Grace and Chi, all of them said farewell for the season in different ways. On Wednesday they had a mini wrap gathering for Grace as you can see from these pics.

Hawaii Five 0 Behind the scenes




Here is the close up of the shot above minus some of the crew on the outer edges. Alex is sporting a beard, as you can see, so Steve must be also at the time.

Hawaii Five 0 Behind the scenes




Here is a shot of Alex with a local bistro owner and her sweet dog who was there that day, too.

Alex O'Loughlin and puppy




She also took some other pics of the day which include Alex. They are not the best shots of him but it is BTS so worth a mention.

Hawaii five 0 gathering




Moving on to Alex’s actual wrap day here are some great pics of him and different crew at the “We are finally done”celebration. The first one includes Justin Fisher and Brian Wallace who are instrumental in providing the great BTS pics and videos throughout the season. For that, and more, we thank them!


Alex O'Loughlin and crew



Alex O'Loughlin and crew




Alex O'Loughlin and crew




Thanks to the IG stories of Brian and Justin again, there were some great videos that showed up of the event, too.


Alex and Brian thank the fans and the people of Hawaii for putting up with all the disruptions, and they do it in such a fun way. The boys will be boys and we wouldn’t want it any other way.


In this one Alex gets to pick the winner of the bucket of money! and it is…




Here are some shooting clips as well thanks to Brian.






This pic showed up after the hiatus started but was when Alex was shooting prior. It looks recent but not sure what episode and Steve looks injured again. Poor guy. He sure does take a beating in this show. 

Alex O'LOughlin on location






Also during this wrap week, Alex posted on his Facebook page (yes he does have one but does not post often on it) this video about Taylor’s Gift and how to nominate someone for the Outlive Yourself Awards. More to come on that and Taylor’s Gift tomorrow but for now here is his video in case you did not see it yet.




That’s a wrap for the week! (literally this time). We wish the ENTIRE CAST and CREW a wonderful, healthy, and refreshing hiatus. We look forward to season 8. As for us, we will not be providing weekly wrap-ups during hiatus. Although some “on the street” pics show up from time to time of Alex, it is usually not regular so there is no reason to do regular updates of nothing. Their hiatus is our hiatus when it comes to the weekly updates.
With that being said, keep up to date as it happens by following us on our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts as that is where we will post new pics and vids if any show up. When there is enough collected material we will also post it here but it will not be on a consistent schedule as we have been doing.

We like to also take this time to thank ALL the people that provide pics of Alex throughout the season. Whether fan pics or BTS, fans love to see new material.

We also appreciate YOUR following so Thank YOU! You can look forward to some other hiatus fun we have in store for all during the break.





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