Now that the season is in full swing, and we are back with our regular recap and screencaps in the gallery, it wouldn’t be the same without some GIFS from the episode. Last year we did them as part of the Different Points of View. However, since we are no longer doing that post any longer, and we did not just want to add a few here and there, we introduce Giffable Moments. We do not plan to keep any type of schedule with it, but since GIFS are always fun, we did not want to leave them out either.
Here are the Gif-fable Moments we saw from the premiere. If you ever see any others or ones you would like us to do, please contact us here or through our social media channels and we will do it for you.
Uh -oh the team could be in trouble
The McGarrett strut has always been fun to watch – whether faster, slower, or just as is
No resisting this charming smile
This seems to be old hat for him now- the fans are ok with his ease and comfort level, too
Got to have the serious side and concerned look in every episode
A hot pursuit
leads to a cold retreat sometimes
The customary phone call but this time they gave it a spin
Seems to have some nervous energy
and an itch
The agony here was well played- had to feel for the poor guy – first radiation poisoning and then smoke inhalation.
The frustration of the depravity of the situation sets in
The first cargument of the season (even if short and inclusive of a third party)
Had to make sure we ended it right !
Note: We readily admit that GIF making is not one of our strongest suits and we do not have a solid gif maker on the admin team, so if you have the desire to join the team and are a good gif maker- let us know as it will be very helpful.
With that being said, we also started a gif gallery (similar to our photo gallery) for you and will build it over time.