Hawaii Five 0 Episode 8.12 Ka hopu nui ‘ana Recap


With the holiday break over, that means it is time for some new Hawaii Five 0 as it returned last night with another episode of season 8. The episode was a fast paced and action packed gem and how can you not like an episode with Eddie in it? So with some help from a different contributor (thanks goes out to her) for the detailed scene to scene foundation and our regular editor who adds the majority of the flair, we bring you the recap below.


The episode begins with Special Agent Fischer holding a news conference stating that he has been brought to the island to round up the gangs that have gone awry, making the island safer for all once again. He says the Governor has given him her full cooperation and he vows to bring peace and tranquility back to the island.


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Next we see, Agent Fischer’s wife unpacking boxes showing they had just moved to the island for her husband’s new job. She and Fischer are discussing a missing toy for their daughter. They find the toy and call their daughter over to get it when the doorbell rings. Fischer answers the door to a stranger leaving and a box on the doorstep. Realizing that it is a bomb we see Fischer screaming for the family to get out running in. The bomb explodes as he just gets inside which leads us to the credits wondering if he made it or not.


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After the familiar theme ends, we then see what has become quite normal for the show, a flashback to 24 hours earlier. Agent Fischer and his partner, Agent McNeal, have arrived at Tani’s place to which she has also just arrived to. They are questioning her about Adam, saying that Adam just got back to the island when the gang wars started and when Shioma was killed. They are asking her to bring them info on Adam as she has access now because of Five-0. She declines but takes his card he hands to her.


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The next scene is still in the flashback time and it is of Steve entering the FBI agent’s office and offering to help. He vouches for Adam but it is once again clear they do not believe that Adam has gone clean. While he is there, he clearly makes it known that he did not appreciate and will not tolerate them approaching any of his team before coming to him ever again. No one messes with his Ohana!


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Switching back to present time of right after the bomb has taken the lives of the Fischers, including the wife and little girl, Steve is in the ME’s office staring over the three bodies. He is motionless and seems to have a look of remorse and anger all rolled into one. Noelani shows Steve that the little girl was holding the stuffed animal when she died and what is left of it. Steve walks out with a determined stance saying nothing.


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At HQ, Lou and Junior are discussing it being Junior’s first day and they then share with Steve that there is no evidence on who left the bomb. Also no one is talking. Steve then says, OK then the only way to go about this is to bring them all in. Lou respectively says WHAT? And HOW? And Steve says they will need some help. Some heavy backup is shown rolling in as there is a break for a commercial.


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The next scenes are of the task force, HPD, and military units rounding the criminals up and conducting raids across the island.


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Steve and the team are at the Ewa Beach area and Duke says they have 87 in custody so far but they still have a long way to go. Steve says to the team (including Eddie who is now there with Steve) and those surrounding, that they must get faster and more efficient as the element of surprise has been taken away from them now. He then doles out the orders of who is to go after who and their plan of attack.


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He walks over to Junior who has been tasked to go with HPD. Junior says with all due respect he does not need back up, referring to the HPD. Steve clarifies and tells Junior he is the backup for HPD, and that he must take baby steps. Junior looks deflated. Poor guy as it was his first day and all.


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When they are rounding up the baddies, Steve gets a call from Jerry. He tells him he has placed some hidden mics in the jail cells and hopes to have that rout out some info. He also says Kamekona is there and he might also have a couple of leads for them so he sends pictures of the two guys to the team’s phone. Their names are Bautista and Garcia.


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While Steve is playing show and tell with the new Intel, Tani speaks up and says she knows Bautista, calling him Damien. Steve and Lou both give her the eye on this one as it is clear it is personal. She suggests she goes alone so she will be able to catch him off guard. Steve reluctantly agrees and tells her to be careful.


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Although there was not as much comedy in this one, the next scene is the one to write home about. Steve, Lou, and Eddie are riding in Steve’s truck on the way to Garcia’s place. Eddie is giving Lou the evil eye and Lou questions why. Steve takes Eddie’s side and tells Lou he is in Eddie’s seat. The facial expressions on all three of them were worth any price of admission. 


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Steve, Lou, and Eddie arrive in Palolo where Garcia is supposed to be. They see a single heat signature in the house that Lou considers to be a large crib. They enter with a comical line from Lou saying, “this should be easy, but they never are”. Steve sends Eddie up the stairs as he and Lou take the downstairs.


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The show takes us next to Adam driving and being pulled over by the FBI agent McNeal and his unnamed partner. Adam asks what he did wrong and McNeal just tells him to get out. It seems as if Adam has no choice no matter how cooperative he is being.


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Returning to Steve and Lou, there is no sign of Garcia and it even seems as if the heat signature has gone away. How could he just disappear, they ask one another?


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Eddie has the answer as he sniffs out a hidden area in the crib. Lou and Steve open it and find that it leads to an underground tunnel of some type. They discuss which one of them will be going in and Steve says there is another way.


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Next, Garcia is coming out from the tunnel and as he thinks he is clear, Eddie attacks him causing Garcia to whine like a baby to get the dog off of him. Steve and Lou oblige with handcuffs.


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Switching to Tani’s assignment, she is seen knocking on Bautista’s place. He lets her in with no question which just validates she has had a friendly relationship with him. After some small talk catching each other up on how Tani was kicked out of the academy, and some flirting amongst the two,  she announces she is Five-0 now and is there to bring him in. He looks over the edge where we are shown a whole bunch of solid back-up coming Bautista’s way. Uh-oh.


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Moving on to Junior’s assignment, he is seen with the two policemen heading up to the perp’s place.  The front door swings open and both cops are shot. Junior is able to pull one to safety although one is already dead. He calls in for help and then heads in the house alone. A shootout ensues and Junior seems to be in some trouble, but he pulls a signature Steve move throwing a smoke bomb causing a distraction. He is able to get the upper hand and take the bad guy down.


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Back outside of the house, the EMTs have arrived and are working on the other officer. Junior tells HPD that target is dead. He also is sporting quite a wound and he, too, needs to be attended to.


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Switching to Tani again, there is a gang of guys breaching the location of her and Bautista. Bautista says for old time sake he will let her live if she lets him go. NOT. She shoves him over the edge where there is a pool and follows suit. She is then seen bringing Bautista in out of the water and as his backup guys that are upstairs look over, there is no one to be seen.


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Next we are shown the rendition area where Tani and Lou are discussing why she is all wet when Steve walks up. He shares that Junior got winged but will be ok. Tani looks relieved. They now have 169 of the top crime heads on the island caged in. Steve says it is time to shake some cages.


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Switching between Steve, Tani, and Lou, they are all trying to get one of the suspects to break and tell them what happened. No matter what they do, no one changes their story. They meet up and discuss that they all might be telling the truth and have nothing to do with this.


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Jerry then calls Steve and says nothing good has come from the hidden mics but he did find something in one of the police reports. Since this all started when Michelle Shioma (remember her?) was taken out, and since Shioma was head of the Yakuza, it would only make sense that maybe one of the Yakuza was involved. They decide that the second guy in command, Brandon Kenzo, was probably behind all this and made it look like it is the gangs instead. Therefore, the gangs would be gone and there would be no more competition. Makes sense, or does it?


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Steve tells Jerry to contact Adam which Jerry says he already did but it just goes to VM.


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This brings in the scene of what happened to Adam. He is seen in the FBI office being questioned by McNeal. He says he knows nothing but they do not believe him.


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Here comes a very mad Steve. Remember the do not mess with my Ohana warning earlier? Well he is a man of his word and he comes into the FBI office and demands release of Adam. He says he has nothing to hold him on and he is harassing his friend. Sidebar: It is really neat how Steve and Adam’s relationship has evolved over the seasons.


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McNeal says so you think so? He then shows Steve a file which has a picture of Adam visiting Shioma in prison right before she was killed. Steve seems surprised but he holds firm and still leaves with Adam alongside.


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Once in the truck, Adam explains that when he first got back to the island, Shioma reached out through an intermediary and wanted to see him. At first he declined but then his curiosity got the best of him and he went to see her.


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Flashback to when Adam is visiting Shioma and the scene plays out that she wants Adam to find her kids that are in protective custody. He says they are there for a reason including keeping them away from her and declines. She offers him money and he still declines and back in present time he tells Steve that he told her that he would never help her for any amount of money and left.


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Steve being satisfied with that explanation asks Adam to help them find Kenzo. Adams says sure.


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Next we see Adam at Kenzo’s place of hiding. Adam walks in and takes a seat. Kenzo is sitting behind the typical mob like desk with the horse races in the background across multiple TV’s. Adam tells Kenzo he is there to help him work out his surrender to Five-0. Kenzo and his goons laugh and Adam explains that they have only a minute before they are taken down by everyone outside, so they can either kill him but they will not live either, or they walk out with him and surrender. If they choose option B which of course he is counting on, he promises Kenzo a fair shake with Steve.


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After some cat a mice and some scene pans in of Steve and team ready to barge in, Adam walks out with Kenzo and the goons. Steve arrests him and lays out their theory. Kenzo says that is well and fine but not true. He seems to be telling the truth. So now what?


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Jerry’s timing, that’s what. He calls and says they have a major problem. It seems as if the rendition room has been taken over by masked men with guns and they are rounding up the cops and releasing the caged criminals. While explaining this, Jerry sees the feed go out as the masked men take out the cameras.  


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As Steve and the team are rushing to the rendition location to save the day, we are shown the prisoners are on their knees and ready to be executed. We are shown a few being shot in the head as they go down the line.


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The masked men exit the building as the task force arrives and they begin to exchange artillery fire with one another. Some get away in a black SUV and others are taken down leaving the team to enter the rendition facility.


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Once inside they see the blood bath that occurred as everyone is dead, shot in the head. Tani runs over to Bautista and she seems saddened by what she sees. He is of course, dead. Steve looks over and witnesses it all.


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The next scene is of Tani in Noelani’s office where she is receiving Bautista’s personal belongings to give to his mother. Tani looks inside the ME room and sees Junior standing over the officer that was shot.  She enters and tells him there was nothing else he could have done as he is clearly blaming himself. He says he could have gone in with them and maybe more manpower would have helped. Tani comforts him and says not to second guess it as he did his best and more than was even expected saving the other officer. They leave together and it is hard not to feel for Junior.


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The final scene is in Steve’s office. He has called Adam in and he looks quite distraught. Adam asks him If everything is ok and Steve shares it was a really bad day. He says it was probably one of the worst he has had in a long time. They are no closer to getting justice for the Fischer deaths and many, many lives are gone. He tells Adam that the couple bodies of the masked men that were shot were of mercenaries out of Tokyo. It seems they are new in town and taking out the competition. Steve then asks Adam to head an organized crime task force within Five-0 because he has the contacts and they need to bring these guys down.  Steve says he understands if Adam does not want to go back “there” but it would be for good this time. Without hesitation, Adam says he’s IN. This should be an interesting new storyline moving forward.


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Season 8 continues to be a home run as this episode was very good. It moved quickly, was very intense, and kept us at the edge of our seats. Seeing Eddie at his best was great and it was nice he received some quality time this episode. He helped Steve and Lou sniff out the bad guy, reminding us that he is not just Steve’s house pet. Seeing Adam again was also good and hearing that he will be heading up this new division is intriguing and makes sense. Alex once again showed us he is so much more than a good looking guy. He nailed another performance with the meat of it being in the last scene and the one at the ME’s office. Each of the team was used well, but Danny was however, missed. Because of that, we rate this one a 9.  




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4 Comments - Write a Comment

  1. I have watched this episode and enjoyed every minute of it and like you pleased with all the action ,my opinion it should of been a 10 but you only give it 9 because Scot was not in it , why ? We all know that he misses shows because of his contract and that is his choice .if he’s not in a good episode why does it count ? I love reading your weekly accounts please don’t take any offence but l felt that you got it wrong this time .

    1. No offense taken and we appreciate your comment. It was not only because of no Scott as we do not give 10’s that easily. To us episode 100 (5.07) was the only one that has deserved that rating so far and we compare all of them to that. Scott’s decision in real life is irrelevant as to the reason on the show as Danny. Danny is a pertinent part of the team as a whole and he was missing in this one so the team was not completely whole in our opinion. Our ratings are opinion based as you know and we try to be as impartial as possible when doing them. We also only do them at the end and do not show any opinion in the actual recap, so hope that makes sense. We appreciate your opinion and following.

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