Alex O’Loughlin Taking One Day At A Time


Another new interview with Alex O’Loughlin has come out and this time it is from Matt Webb Mitovich of TV Line. In the interview, Alex addresses his thoughts on the 150th episode, the road to getting here, his feeling about McDanno and raising kids in today’s world.

He also doubles down on his recent comments about his departure from Hawaii Five O. Regarding this we agree with Matt Carter who released a synopsis of the article today. Matt says that you have to give Alex kudos for providing the writing team plenty of time to wrap up the show or his storyline appropriately.

Actually, one should go much further than that when it come to commendations, as Alex has given his blood, sweat, and tears (all literally)  to the role of Steve McGarrett. Add a lot of bodily injuries to the mix and it is no wonder Alex has an end date in sight.

As you can see from this excerpt below, Alex gives his 100% all the time and will even place himself in some dire circumstances and it’s for our entertainment.(and also to humor himself  it seems, which we discerned from his quote) An example of such is in the 100th episode.


TVLINE | And what has been the most difficult scene for you to do emotionally?

ALEX : That’s a really good question. Once I finish an episode, I put it out of my mind so that I can move on and retain new information, but the 100th episode [where McGarrett got waterboarded] was really hard. We had a medic standing by, and I set it up so I actually let them waterboard me and I thought it would be interesting, but I got really sick with pneumonia after that. I had to kind of “go there” with some of the emotional stuff about my dad, so I tried to sink my teeth into that one. Yeah, I really felt depleted after that one.


That sure adds a deeper layer of appreciation for him and the 100th episode so keep that in mind when you see it again. 


waterboarding alex o'loughlin waterbaording agony - alex o'loughlin


Based on it being his seventh season and knowing the kind of stunts that have been done on the show, this most certainly was not the only time Alex placed himself in danger. Remember this one?


Alex O'Loughlin helicopter stunt

Pic Credit CBS


As for the calmer stuff  (the carguments with Danny) and working with Scott, he seems to continue to enjoy that part of the job. He has always said it is the meat of the show and he continues to believe that.


TVLINE | Scott Caan sadly wasn’t available for Episode 150, but [showrunner] Peter Lenkov has told me that you two absolutely love doing the bickering “McDanno” scenes.

ALEX : I mean, it comes pretty naturally. We’re both argumentative and opinionated, so it’s easy to yell at each other. But it’s also one of the first aspects that came out of our characters in the pilot, in the first read-through of the pilot script. We don’t back down from one another, so when we get that stuff, we know it’s fun and we know how to play it. There are certain things that they write that work really well with us — like when we have to go to therapy — and we actually have fun when we do it because not all this stuff is fun. Like, standing around a Surface table and spouting exposition for days and days is not a fun aspect of the job. It’s just sort of information, you know. But that [McDanno] stuff is fun.


alex o'loughlin and scott caan cargument


counselling-alex o'loughlin scott caan counseling- alex and scott


He also mentions his main thought right now about the show is getting through it. It is obviously very grueling on his body and overall emotional state, so he is getting through it one day at a time.

To read the rest of the article and find out what Alex thinks about raising kids and the actual situations Steve finds himself in in the 150th episode on Friday night, head over to TV Line now.


Alex is expected to be doing more interviews for the 150th and as the week unfolds there is sure to be more of them to share.




All pics are our screencaps from our gallery unless otherwise noted



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