Alex O’Loughlin in The Shield

kevin hiattI downloaded the seven episodes of The Shield that Alex is in. He plays Detective Kevin Hiatt, a former Federal agent that joins the task force to replace Vic. I had never before seen The Shield, with the exception of the episode where Lem gets killed and it was VERY grotesque so I was not in a hurry to see more. That was until I heard that Alex O’Loughlin was in some of them though.

His parts are scarce but he is very good in them. He is a good cop among a bunch of questionable ones and he gets pushed out at seasons end. Who can compete with Vic? I don’t think anyone can….he owns that show. I liked his honesty and bravery on the show…and his sexy scene with a female cop…but the way his character then refused to speak to her afterwards made my blood boil a bit. I forgive you Alex. 🙂

Make sure to download the episodes and watch!


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2 Comments - Write a Comment

  1. Hi, I love to watch those episodes! Could you please tell me in which season Alex appears? Thanks

    1. He was in season 6 and middle to the end of the season. Enjoyed him in this series a lot.

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