35 Comments - Write a Comment

  1. Hope someone will post the episodes of Hawaii 5.0 in you tube. I want to watch but it’s incomplete. I have watch all episodes of MOONLIGHT there. I love Alex, he’s amazingly immobilizing me. I love his smiles so much.

  2. W O W !!! He’s simply the B E S T. If CBS keeps doing Saturday nights the poor Alex fans that miss THREE RIVERS on Sunday will be able to keep up. Sunday’s show was awesome as usual.. Can’t wait for the 1st. previews looked good. Alex and the other cast members should do a spot after the credits, (Like secret Life where they talk about Teen Pregnancy.)
    They should talk about Organ donation and Transplants. make the public aware of how
    great this is. And good the the process of donation would make the donors family feel helping people who other wise wouldn’t have a chance.

  3. Thanks Tiffany for another great video – the man just oozes sex appeal, charm and charisma! Could watch him all day and all night! I live in eternal hope that we get Three Rivers in the UK.

    Lauren 🙂

  4. down to earth as to down under natural handsome…

  5. I am impassioned by you, Here in Brazil it is passing the series Moonlight, and I don’t never lose. Follow me please kisses I love You

  6. Do you think CBS is listening to us? Last night, 8:00 p.m., CBS – “Three Rivers” was on instead of old rerun of “CSI-NY”. It was opposite “Mercy” on NBC. One problem though, it was not listed in TV Guide that way. Tiffany, do you know what the numbes were for last night? That will be interesting to see how the 2 new medical dramas go head-to-head, especially since “Mercy” got the go ahead for additional episodes. Regardless, let’s make sure to tune in tonight for “Three Rivers” – hopefully it will be on time tonight.

  7. Hi Guys – logged on to the TV Guide poll that Flora mentioned above and can’t believe what I read. It said that the NBC show, “Mercy” has been given a go for a full season. That show is so far out there, it’s ridiculous. If any nurse in the real world spoke to a physician the way she does, or does some of the things she does, she would be fired on the spot. The only true “medical” drama that should be given the chance is “Three Rivers” – we need to continue to contact CBS and let them know what we want. OMG- “Mercy” gets to stay while “Three Rivers” may be cancelled – – justice is blind just like the critics.

  8. i know this doesnt have to do with the photo shoot but i just found out i have the same birthday as jason dohring!

  9. all i can say is that he is the best looking man I ever have seen….I wonder if that is his place they are filming at

  10. Isn’t he just the most gorgous man on earth, thanks for posting this. I’m really enjoying Three Rivers, even though I have to watch it in sections on youtube, it’s worth it.

  11. He just makes me smile! 🙂

  12. He is just adorable – so engaging- we have to make sure he’s around for a long time. We need to contact CBS and let them know how we feel. Thanks, Tiffany, again, for another great video. 🙂

  13. Olá,
    At the same poll (http://www.tvguidemagazine.com/polls/) please also vote at the following question:
    “Which new fall show do you think is the next to be canceled?
    Accidentally on Purpose
    Melrose Place
    The Forgotten
    Three Rivers
    9% ”

    As you can see this also a very importante issu and we are doing GOOD!!!

    Go Alex!!!
    Always at yor side no matter what!!


  14. Hi Tiffany

    Could you help me to check about Sophia Myles? Does she any chance to join three rivers in future



  15. I’m dying to see the new Three Rivers, it just sounds so perfect for Alex, I recently became a big fan and have brought every film or Series that he has ever been in, but I’m longing to see Three Rivers, it sounds amazing, so if Alex is not hot gossip in America, get your ass to Europe we love you!!

  16. Great video, I love to see Alex in interviews. Gorgeous and talented. Thanks for the video and photos.

  17. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh … you can see the deep appreciation Alex has for the profession he’s portraying in “Three Rivers.” I was enjoying the interview and then … he smiled that Alex smile … I melted dead away. We’re starting to get peeks at the characters’ back stories and now everything will start unfolding for we the fans and viewers to really get into the total essence of what this series is about. It takes time for a series to get things going just like when you read a good book. Introductions are made, plots are doled out, character lives are slowly opened for us to see like a blooming flower and wala — you have a great show. I’m really looking forward to watching this show each week and see it grow. Thank you.

  18. Wow! I didn’t know Alex could juggle. Very cool. He’s so gorgeous and talented…. OMG CBS just can’t reject this show. It’s gotta make it, gotta.

  19. Tiffany thank you for setting this site up. This is a great clip of Alex. I feel he is a really down to earth person. Have you ever met him? Take care and I look forward to new information. A canadian fan.

  20. OMG!!!!!!!! I SO LOVE THIS MAN!!!!! He is so funny and sweet and gorgeous! I will be watching 3R’s on Saturday. I’ve already watched it twice on On Demand and I’m sure I’ll watch it again and again:-).

  21. Thanks, Natalie – just voted – “Dr. Andy” is in the lead at 40% – just one more reason to contact CBS and ask them to give “Three Rivers” a chance. EVERYONE – VOTE!!!

  22. Help! I;m passing out cold. It never ceases to amaze me that no matter how great the last update of Alex was, the latest one can be even better. This one really got me AGAIN. He really is just magical and unbelievably attractive. I need to get a thesaurus because I’m running out of words to describe him…Thanks so much for this great video. My day is now perfect.

    1. With Mick St. John no longer on TV – the best we can do is The Count on Sesame Street!! HaHaHa

  23. Hi

    I liked Alex and Sophia Myles. Why did CBS to ask Sophia Myles to join three rivers. Sophia is a good actress. They made a nice couple. I missed they .

    Shelly ( from England)

  24. Alex looked so relaxed in this video. The description of Dr. Gonzo pulling him into surgery was funny. And I learned something, Alex can juggle, who knew!? Thought he was terrific…oh so handsome 🙂

  25. God he is soooo cute!!!!! How could you not love him? I am happy they are showing episode 3 again on Saturday night.. I guess I am lucky I live on the West coast because we don’t have a problem with football interfering with TR. If all of the East Coast is having that problem it is no surprise that the numbers are not great. Losing the viewers on the east coast is big, CBS needs to fix that problem and I hope they do it soon.

  26. OMG! Absolutely the most perfect man I’ve ever seen! I’ve got 5 kids already but I would definitely have another child as long as I was having Alex’s baby!!!

  27. Hey Girls and Boys in the USA (for sure there are some)!

    Please do NOT forget to support Three Rivers as there will be a re-airing of the last Three Rivers episode Good Intentions.

    I’ll watch it on my computer again!


    1. Flora, vc é brasileira? Tenho lido tanto este site e nunca vi ninguém do Brasil, pelo menos em palavras!!!

      1. Olá Luana,

        Eu sou Portuguesa!
        Sou fã do Alex desde que estreou Moonlight e desde então tenho andado por cá a tentar recuperar da frustração de ter visto o programa ser cancelado e tentado manter-me sempre do lado do Alex aconteça o que acontecer.

        É bom saber que a nossa língua mãe anda por cá.


  28. PERFEITO!!!
    Alex is absolutely awesome to say the least.
    He seems so nice and kind… great smile but above all he always seems to have some mistery inside of him and only few will ever be able to get it…
    I can only dream so ALLOW ME TO DREAM….

  29. This video it`s the best of him at this time! Alex it`s so funny and it`s nice to see him so lucky!
    Three Rivers must go on, this Show is so great! I hope we can see it in Germany soon!
    Thanks Tiffany for this video

  30. Great great great ! Alex is beautiful, funny with playing with his cell phone ! And the pictures wouah !!!!!!
    Hope see 3 rivers in France soon !
    We need the French fans are mobilizing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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