Thanks for the tips Megan.. here are two trailers I did not post yet, though I had seen the first one. Love them both but my fave line has to be: Stan: These are for giant mutant babies… Babyland Salesgirl: You should see some of the babies that come in here.. total fatties. OMG!! LOL!
Category: Films
Back-up Plan Photos
From CBS Films:
The Back-up Plan “She Glows” Featurette
New scenes from The Back-Up Plan and some interviews. I love the dinner scene and the banter, especially the look Alex gives the crew when Jennifer insists that if he lets her hit him in the face… “it will be really funny.” LOL. It looks like she was hitting him pretty hard!
The Back-up Plan Behind The Scenes Featurette
Now on Youtube from CBS Films! Some new footage and behind the scenes narration that is adorable. The Back-up Plan on Facebook: The Back-up Plan on Twitter: