Category: Reviews

Hawaii Five 0 Episode 8.13 O ka mea ua hala, ua hala ia Recap

  As the season continues, Hawaii Five 0 delivered another good episode last night. It was different than their regular ones but was still enjoyable. If you watched, you know the majority of it took place around a car and completely revolved around Lou talking to a man that was about to commit suicide. He…

Hawaii Five 0 Episode 8.11 Oni kalalea ke ku a ka la’au loa Recap

  Moving on to the second episode of the doubleheader, we have recapped the winter finale below. This one was the show’s Christmas story and turned out to be a wonderful way to celebrate Christmas with the team. Although Christmas episodes in the past have had a few scenes of Christmas, this time the whole…

Hawaii Five 0 Episode 8.10 I ka wa ma mua, I ka wa ma hope Recap

  It was a great night of Hawaii Five 0 last night with a double shot of episodes to bade good bye to 2017. The two episodes brought about probably about every emotion you can think of and both were done quite well in their own right. Each of them had an entirely different feel,…