Hawaii Five 0 Episode 7.15 Different Points of View


The duo of Linda and Manu is back and it is time for the weekly dose of Different Points of View. This week had the team splitting up into two different mini- teams on opposite sides of the island investigating two different cases.

See what the girls each thought about that as you peruse the many gifs including the Alex only ones at the bottom. 



Linda Stein


Dear Friends. I hope you don’t mind but this week’s review won’t be as detailed as usual. I had a small medical procedure on Friday and it seems anesthesia and I don’t get along very well and I never managed to make it all the way through the episode on Friday night. Saturday morning arrived and I realized I’d missed a large portion of what happened. Also, I spent pretty much all of Saturday out of the house with family obligations my dear husband got me tied into that I just couldn’t shake (and believe me… I tried!). Anyway, here it is, Sunday afternoon and I only just watched the entire episode for the first time. I’m still not feeling very well, so I’m just going to hit on some main points. Please feel free to discuss the episode any way you’d like in the comments section, as always.

This week’s episode was really just a filler episode; not related to any ongoing arcs but quite enjoyable in its own right. I especially liked how the title reflected the themes of both main stories. I mean, there isn’t much bigger game out there than Great White Sharks and Nazi’s, right? Ok… let’s get to it:

Grover the “Grill Sergeant”: This scene was really cute. I love Grover and Chi McBride is a delight in just about everything he does. I could totally relate to the feeling of frustration and annoyance when trying to have a conversation with your teenager while their face is plastered to their phone. I have also experienced the phenomenon of two teenagers having a texted conversation while they are sitting a foot apart. So, yeah, I got a real kick out of it. But having said that, I do think it went on a bit too long. It’s only purpose seemed to be having the photo of the dead “big game hunter” show up on Grace & Will’s phones.



Shrimp Strike at Kamekona’s: You guys know me. You know I absolutely love Kamekona but these calls to Five-0 for his personal “emergencies” are pretty ridiculous. I mean, Kame is a smart business man, an enterprising entrepreneur. This man is not stupid so it shouldn’t be difficult for him to comprehend that flat tires and peaceful picket lines are not things you need to bother Five-0 about, Ohana or not. If the plan was for Flippa to be given his own North Shore shrimp truck it could have been done without these silly scenes. Kame could have just decided that his love for his cousin and the good and loyal work he’s done for him was worthy of his own truck in Kame’s plan to expand. They could have had an Ohana gathering at the new truck at the end of an episode to announce Flippa’s “promotion” and that would have been that.



A Shark’s Tale: This was an interesting story that should have been expanded. If they’d used some of Lou’s pancake tutorial and about 90% of the shrimp truck picket line and added that time to this story, it would have been so much better. I liked the team combo of Danny, Kono and Lou working this case however. I love any combination of these guys so having them all together made this story fun. I especially liked how real life shark conservationist Ocean Ramsey, played the character Lily O’Neill. I give her credit, she’s got guts to go free diving with sharks. Those underwater scenes of her with the sharks were incredible.




A Bit more Hawaiian History: We’ve been getting a fair amount of stories this season with historical themes. Events which have taken place in Hawaii as well as Hawaiian history itself. The part Hawaii played in the JFK assignation. The history and current story of the Nation of Hawaii. This week, we learned about the Kalaupapa Leprosy Settlement, in the Kalaupapa National Historic Site on Molokai. It’s heartbreaking to think there was a time when people sent their family members away in fear of being exposed to what is now known as Hanson’s Disease. Even more heartbreaking is the emotional toll that ostracism from the world and their families took on the patients of Kalaupapa. So much so, that many chose to remain in the only home they had even after the quarantine was lifted. I found a very interesting article which discusses Kalaupapa, its history and what, if anything, will happen to the land once the last resident passes away. If you’re interested… here’s the link:



Justice Finally Served: Our main story centering around Leia Rozen and her quest to find the Nazi guard who had terrorized her grandfather Itzhak in Auschwitz. The same way it’s heartbreaking to think of those people sent into exile because of their disease, it’s equally as heartbreaking to think those who perpetuated the worst crimes against their fellow man could walk away and lead normal lives while leaving their tattered and traumatized victims shells of their former selves. Watching Bernie Kopell, as Itzhak Rozen, recalling the day Nazi guard Thomas Sauer forced him to choose who would die, his brother or his sister, was the most heart wrenching scene I’ve seen in a very long time. How can such evil exist in the heart of a man to do such a thing?



I also really enjoyed that Steve and Chin were in on the arrest when Sauer and his daughter Alana were found hiding in Arizona. As always, I allow for certain amount of literary license with regard to what would be normal procedure in real life and what they do on TV but I thought I’d look this one up. According to Attorney John McCurley’s article on Lawyers.com, “Police Jurisdiction: Where Can Officers Make Arrests?”, officers may make arrests “outside their jurisdiction when in “fresh pursuit” of a suspect who committed a crime within their territory”. Also, many states “allow an out-of-state officer to cross the state line to make an arrest ….. when the suspect being chased has committed a felony”. I think murder and war crimes fall into this category! Besides, I just loved hearing Steve arrest Sauer “under the laws of the Geneva Convention”. A very powerful moment.



Eric and Bill Walker: There’s been a joke among some fans for years that Five-0 is a bit of a “Love Boat” where stars whose luster may have faded can find a place in an episode. I know there are those who probably hyperventilated with laughter hearing that Bernie Kopell was going to be in this episode since he was the ship’s doctor on the actual “Love Boat” TV show. Well, his powerful performance, while short, should have been enough to silence those snickers.

Then there is Max Gail as leprosy patient Bill Walker. Another star from an old TV show (Max played Detective Wojciehowicz in “Barney Miller” in the 1970’s) Max has been steadily working in TV and films for decades. Max was wonderful as Bill. He successfully conveyed the personal trauma of being left on the island by his parents when he was only eight years old and was almost childlike in his awe of police work and his devastation over Leia’s death and the true identity of Alana and her father.



And I really enjoyed the interaction between Bill and Eric. Just as you know how much I love Kamekona, you know how much I love Eric. He’s like so many guys I grew up knowing in Philly and Jersey; he’s a breath of fresh air for me. He acted like a perfectly normal human being when he was confronted with Bill and his misshapen hands. Politically correct…. absolutely not. … but understandable when confronted without warning… hell yeah! It was really nice to see Eric form a bond with Bill and come to the point where he didn’t see his hands any longer. I loved the handshake between them as they parted ways. Bill seemed genuinely touched by the gesture. I hope Eric is able to carry the maturity he found in this episode forward.




The Character of Hawaii: It’s been said from the very first episode of this show that Hawaii itself is a major character. It’s also the case that this is “Hawaii” Five-0 and not “Oahu” Five-0. We don’t get to leave Oahu very often but when we do I just love how we’re treated to aerial views of the different islands. I simply adored all the beautiful views from the chopper flight and of the island of Molokai. I know it used up a lot of screen time, but if we must have a filler episode, I don’t mind that some of that filler is the gorgeousness of Hawaii!





Emanuela(Manu) Pari


Aloooha fellow Five 0 fans, here we are back again for more of our favourite T.V. show.

I have to admit that episode 7.15 brought up some very important and meaningful topics, couples with some enjoyable and more light-hearted moments for us to enjoy.

For the second week in a row (remember I only watched 7.13 last week) Mr. Lou Grover made me totally jealous of his breakfast, so much that this time I went out and got myself some American style pancakes to eat tomorrow.




I always love Lou’s sense of humour and his scenes with Will and this one wasn’t an exception. Papaya and pineapple pancakes actually sound pretty good to me, I would definitely try them, opposite to Mrs Grover I am open to experiment with cakes 🙂 And Lou’s little challenge with the “pancakes master” Chin was also pretty funny, especially as to propose it he used the same gadget that annoyed him when Will was ignoring him being on social media. Very funny when Grover was comparing a mobile phone to an addictive drug, I think most of us can understand both Will’s and Lou’s side of the coin.

Also cute to see that Grace and Will are still dating, I wonder if the lovely couple will make an appearance in the Valentine episode next week.

The other light hearted part of the episode was the one involving Kamekona, Flippa an his coworkers. I join Lou in believing that getting into business with family is always risky. Funny how Five 0 is constantly asking Kame for favours but they decided to stay impartial on this matter, Danny for being part of a “union family” and Steve, more or less saved by the bell when duty called (literally).




At least Kono and Grover offered some good advice and Kame was able to make things right with his cousin offering him a Managerial Position in his brand new North Shore Division. I’m curious to see if next Christmas Flippa will still be dressed as an elf or if the “honour” will fall on someone else.



In episode 7.15 we had two very distinct crimes of the week, worked separately by Steve and Chin on one side, Kono Lou and Danny on the other, both aided by Jerry in the background.



Clever how the first crime was introduced on Will and Grace’s phones, an apparent statement on social media against cruelty towards animal.

The first victim, Sam Harrison, a famous endangered animals hunter, finds himself gutted and exposed like a catch in Honolulu. Thanks to Jerry and M.E. Noelani the team finds out that the hunter was in Hawaii with the intent of killing a great white shark.



Suspicion shortly falls on animals activist Lily O’Neil (real life sharks and marine conservationist Ocean Ramsey) but we find out that she is more interested in teaching people a culture of respect and co-habitation towards nature and animals than in exacting revenge for the exotic animals that Harrison killed in his life. The best way to bring across an idea, rather than trying to impose it on other people. I found the shots of Ocean really swimming alongside a shark incredibly beautiful.



The team will discover, thanks to Noelani finding bite marks on the corpse that Harrison died in his attempt to kill the great white, karma at work without humans having to intervene in this occasion. Harrison was helped by Mr. Reynolds, a fake dolphins excursions guide who instead would go out at sea a remove the fins of sharks while they are still alive to sell them to local restaurants. As Kono mentioned, nobody will cry for the death hunter, but nobody will feel for him either. Quite a powerful statement.



If the first case teaches us that revenge is never the best option, the second one shows that if pursued it can be the very worst one.

The second crime of the week revolved around the body of Leia Rozen, a young woman with a tattoo that resembles the numbers found on the prisoners of Nazi concentration camps during the second World war. Leia turns out to be the granddaughter of Itzhak Rozen, which was out to avenge the suffering of her family and her grandfather at the hand of Thomas Hauer, a Nazi officer that at 19 years old forced Itzhak to choose if to kill his brother or his sister, all three of them would die if he hadn’t made a choice. A tragic, cruel story that shows how insane individuals can become when given absolute power over fellow human beings and when some people’s lives are considered inferior, or even irrelevant in comparison with others.



Hauer managed to escape after the end of the war and to finally land in Molokai, where he married a local girl, had a daughter and became part of the community. According to Bill, another important character in this episode, Hauer did good helping out in the local orphanage and being a decent human being in the second part of his life. Of course this didn’t make up for the atrocities that he committed in the past, as McGarrett reminds Billy when he describes Hauer and his daughter as “his friends”. Luckily justice this time catches up with the Hauers and they are finally arrested in Arizona the daughter for the murder of Leia Rozen and the father for crimes of war.



Leia Rozen is certainly a victim but also an example of how badly things can go when people choose violence over justice. When she found him she should have denounced Hauer to the authorities and he still would have paid for his crimes. But her attempt at killing him ended up in being murdered herself, which was most definitely not what her grandfather would have wanted.

Another example of misguided choices comes from Sheriff Alana, which turned from her duty as an officer in order to protect her father.

Luckily the case of Leia Rozen also gives us a positive example of acceptance and tolerance with the characters of Billy, a survivor of leprosy living in Molokai and our forensic scientist Eric.

Eric is introduced in his usual light hearted way when he joins Steve and Danno, who had comfortably travelled by helicopter, riding a mule, and understandably complaining about the pain in his backside. Loved Steve’s answer “Your ass seems pretty fine to me”, witty Commander as usual.



Eric’s initial tactless reaction towards Bill’s condition luckily develops into a nice friendship when the two men examine Leia’s room together and Eric gets to know Bill a bit better. Hopefully one day Bill will accept Eric’s invitation and will finally get to see Oahu. The final handshake between the two made me tear up and I’m truly grateful that we got to know such an interesting and lovable character.



And now I am looking forward to see next week’s episode, the Valentine staycation one for Steve and Danno while the rest of the team will work on a case.

We already know that some fans will love it and some will hate it, due to the different ships that tend to divide the fandom, I just hope that everybody will be treated, and will treat everybody else and their opinions with respect.

I have good friends in all different ships and I see no reason for any of us not to get along well just because of a fictional relationship in a TV show. Call me an idealist but this is the way I feel.



Alex Only

Here is the Alex only section which is always good for some fun, sexiness, and different expressions. Do you have a favorite?


alex o'loughlin gif alex o'loughlin gif alex o'loughlin gif alex o'loughlin gif alex o'loughlin gif alex o'loughlin gif alex o'loughlin gif alex o'loughlin gif alex o'loughlin gifalex o'loughlin gif




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