Hawaii Five 0 Episode 8.09 Gif-fable Moments


Last week’s Hawaii Five 0 episode was rock solid and had some great moments between the Ohana. Based on that and another strong performance by Alex, gifs were able to be made. Here are the ones of Alex below.


Since the team was literally fighting to stay alive, there were not too many light moments but here is a lighted moment

Alex O'Loughlin face


Steve casing and clearing a scene is always fun to watch and in this episode there were a few ways he went about it

from crouching

Alex O'Loughlin crouching

to descending

Alex O'Loughlin descending

to kicking

Alex O'Loughlin badass

and looking up

Alex O'Loughlin holed up

Steve was making sure the death boat was completely safe from the bad guys.


A solemn moment

Alex O'Loughlin blink


had him drinking, but he was unsure what was the best beverage of choice

Alex O'Loughlin drinking

Alex O'Loughlin champagne



Moments of tiredness and desperation in the torrential rain

Alex O'Loughlin waving

Alex O'Loughlin help


Wonder what that is

Alex O'Loughlin whats that



And of course, the smile that must appear in every episode (it’s in his contract) 🙂

Alex O'Loughlin smile



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