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  1. Comment :heart: :heart: love you Alex!

  2. :heart: :heart: did anyone else see the spolier videos of Hawaii 5 O? Can’t remember, is Scott’s dog named Dot? I think it is, there is a clip of the two playing football. They look so cute together. Just love it. So sad I don’t live in Hawaii and could have a chance to see them.

  3. que tierno se ve ! :heart: so so so beautiful :love:

  4. I just read yesterday in TV Guide that Alex makes $115,000 an episode. Guess those 16 hour days are worth it!

    I just read that someone saw a photo of Alex and Saxon on-line. Anyone have any idea where? Never have seen a photo of his son. Thanks.

    1. Hi Shirley. If it’s the picture of Alex with his arm around Saxon, it was taken during a break on the set of H50. There was also another one of Saxon with Scott. I managed to download both just seconds before the website was shut down.

      As to his salary -WOW! it’s no wonder Alex can afford to buy a house on Oahu and drive a black porsche (did I spell that right?). I just hope it doesn’t go to his head. His “humility” is one of the things I love :heart: most about him.

      1. I imagine that, being as protective of he is of his son (from what I’ve read), he was quick to get those taken down. I don’t blame him–considering all of the crazies out there. Does he resemble Alex though? Lucky kid if he does, especially if he has his eyes.

        I thought the same thing (about the house and car–and I think you spelled it correctly). He does seem pretty humble and thankful for everything that’s happened to him. I think, at his age, there is less of a chance of it going to his head, unlike had he achieved this kind of success in his 20s. At least I hope so; as you say, his humility is one of his endearing qualities.

      2. Shirley – in the picture of Saxon and Scott – although it wasn’t a close-up, I think Saxon not only has his Dad’s eyes, he also has his fantastic smile. And as you know, when Alex smiles, the whole world lights up.

        I want thank you again, Tiffany, for the pictures and for giving us a forum to talk to each other. Being able to chat back and forth with these “fun” 😉 ladies makes me feel like part of the family. :heart: :heart: it.

      3. Muffie: I, too, thank Tiffany for this forum. It is fun to chat with these like-minded ladies.

        As I said, LUCKY KID!!!! Alex will have his hands full in a few years!

  5. I want to say Thank you also. I am always happy to see an email from you about Alex. It makes my day tooo.


  7. Alex gets more ULTRA hot and sexy every mil a second
    24/7 Oh yea baby!!!!!!!!!!!
    Kelly Ann scovell(Green Bay,WI) :heart: :heart: :love: :love:

  8. I really would like to see his co-stars from moonlight on his new show, Sophia, Coraline and Josef.:D

  9. With all of these guest stars and recurring characters, it will be interesting to see where the show goes this year. I understand that, by adding characters, it will lessen the workload on Alex and Scott, but, alas, does that mean less Alex face time in each episode? Sure hope not!

    1. I saw an interview with Alex and he said they often work 16hr. days. The fact that he and Scott are in almost every shot can be very draining on them. However, the fact that so many established actors have shown a desire to be on the show confirms that they do indeed “have something special”. Hopefully that ensures that CBS will renew H50 for many years to come. :p :heart:

      1. Yes, I had heard that, too, about the 16 hour days. I don’t know how they do it. No wonder Alex didn’t do any other projects during hiatus.

        Honestly, though, I don’t know if I would watch H50 without Alex, so I’m hoping, even if he has reduced filming, that we get to see a lot of him. I’m glad for him; sorry for all of us!

      2. I’m with you. When the director was asked if we would see less of McGarrett now that he was in jail – he said that McGarrett WAS 5.0 and therefore too important to be put on the sidelines.
        Lets be honest – Alex is the main reason we watch the show :love: (followed by Scott, Daniel & Grace/the scenery/the fast-paced action/the storylines etc.) Hawaii Five-0 has got it all!!

  10. All I can say is, Alex takes my breath away! Thanks so much for the great pics, Tiffany! :love: :heart:

  11. Great pictures! But am I mistaken or is Alex back in his cargo pants? Jeans are sexier!

  12. Alex :love: as always a good looking actor that what ever kind of his shirt color still gorgeous he is. I prefer much better in blue perfect fit. :heart: Looking forward to watch Hawaii Five 0 😀

  13. Thanks Tiffant for the pictures. I do like Alex better in blue but it really does not matter, as long as it is Alex. Love ya Alex, you roc.

  14. Love the pics! Thanks so much Tiffany. Just FYI, I was able to stream “Oyster Farmer” on Netflix just last month and now it is not available as a streaming option but you can still put the movie on your queue and Netflix will send it as a DVD.

  15. Alex is so very gorgeous!! Love him in blue. I love getting your emails now. Thanks so much Tiffany

  16. Thanks Tiffany,Alex looks so hot,and I love that color shirt on him. That shirt will really bring out the blue in his beautiful hazel eyes. :heart:

  17. Thanks Tiffany.For pictures and updates makes my day to have a look at mr.alex.I even went out a bought the mens fitness magazine just for the pictures :whistle: :heart: :love: Can’t wait until sept.Again thanks for making my day. 😀

  18. hi great photos love that alex

  19. Sexy as always :love: :heart: He gets more breath taking everytime you see him :love:

  20. Tiffany, thank you for the most recent photos of Alex in blue, no less!

  21. WOW!! is there any color that this man doesn’t look absolutely gorgeous in?? :love: 47 days to go til Season 2. Can’t wait. ;-( Just read that Patty Duke will appear in an episode – how awesome is that!! Apparently she guest-starred on the original H50 also. Thanks again Tiffany :heart: for keeping us in the loop – I always get excited when I see there’s an email from you cause I know my day is going to get a lot brighter. :p

    1. How cool. Patty Duke must have been a teenanger back then. Don’t remember the episode !!

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