Thank you for faithfully following this site. Although there has not been much participation or activity from you or us, we know you are visiting based on the stats. Therefore, maybe you have been wondering what is up with the site and the plans.

This is just a quick update. Based on schedules we have been very busy with real life so it is hard to post anything regularly here. However, we will post every once in a while when we can and if we see anything that should be shared. There are a few things coming up so be on the look-out. Hopefully Summer will also free up some time for some new posts.
Also, for those of you that have asked, the comments section will also remain open for respectful discussion.
Thanks for the input. From a time there had been less participation sure from the gilrs who used to post often now I dont see them anymore on the site. Probably they dont have much free time to come tothis site anymore.
I hope they return eventually.