Another one down as of this past Friday night, and with just five more left for the season, Hawaii Five 0 episode 8.21 brings back a favorite character of the last couple of years, Harry Langford. played by Chris Vance. From the press release and the promo photos this episode looks to be filled…
Tags: Hawaii Five-0
Hawaii Five 0 Episode 8.20 He lokomaika’i ka manu o Kaiona Recap
It was time for another Hawaii Five 0 last night and this one brought more drama online at times than it did on the show. It is unfortunate that some fans cannot just be respectful when expressing their differing opinions. With that being said we will move on to the recap. The return of Catherine…
Hawaii Five 0 Episode 8.20 He lokomaika’i ka manu o Kaiona Sneak Peeks
The sneak peeks are out which is really good news because last week they did not have any at all. This episode has Jerry acting as a tour guide to Steve and Catherine when she returns asking for Steve’s help. There is some uranium on another island that some terrorists might have gotten control of…
Hawaii Five 0 Episode 8.20 He lokomaika’i ka manu o Kaiona Promo Info
WOW, it is already episode 8.20 this upcoming week. In some ways it seems like it was just the season premiere. This season has evolved but now it is time to go back a little as the return of Catherine is on tap for this Friday night’s episode. It is no secret in the fandom…
Hawaii Five 0 Episode 8.19 Aohe mea make i ka hewa; make no i ka mihi ole Recap
It was time for another Hawaii Five 0 last night so that brings us back for another recap. It was the highlight of a quiet week in the fandom after all the activity surrounding Alex last week. The recap was done this week by Stella and as always we appreciate her taking the time…