Three Rivers Is a Go!

alex oloughlin

CBS has apparently shared their good news early and several sources including Variety and the New York Times are reporting that the CBS fall lineup will include the medical drama Three Rivers with our Alex. Wahoo!!

Of course we are all doing a happy dance!! I feel sorry for Alex that he will have to do so much shooting to get the movie done and now the first season of a TV show. Recent pictures made it look like he was already burning both ends of the candle… he is just so dedicated to his craft. I hope he takes care of himself.

Anyway fans… we have work to do come fall. We need to turn out in record numbers to support Three Rivers and Alex. We will be there with bells on!

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  1. I will definitely be there!! 🙂

  2. Thanks Tiffany for the great news.

  3. Three Rivers-Sunday night, 9 pm EST

    Tivo-ing is recording a show using a digital storage device. Also known as “time shifting” (because you can watch it later) the folks who measure viewership did not used to allow for time shifting, that is one of several reasons Enterprise (also CBS) was cancelled.

  4. What is tivo-ing ? I certainly don’t have it is it an American thing?
    In an audio interview, Alex said they would record Three River mainly in L.A Wonder where they are recoding Back up Plan?

    Not watched many of J lo’s movies. Only really remember the one, and she wasn’t the star of it. Richard Gere I think.

    Don’t care if she is the main star, Alex is the leading male. He said also in the intereview, her husband and twins were lovely. But then he is such a lovely man himself.

  5. · Edit

    Yeah! about time cbs did the right thing. we haven’t seen anything on three rivers, it’s got to be GREAT. ALEX is in it. can’t wait for Sept. Isn’t that when WHITEOUT comes out? We love you ALEX and i’m sure we all feel the same way, WE WILL FOLLOW YOU and up coming projects.

  6. You bet I will be there watching Alex on Three Rivers, it has been way too long without his gorgeous face on screen on a weekly basis!

  7. I am glad that Three Rivers is a go.. although I think I would have done a happy dance celebration if moonlight would have returned.. I am hoping that some of the mysterious/sex appeal that Alex had with Mick, he brings to this new doctor… It says he is divorced in this one.. hope he has some kind of love interest or 20..

    And I sincerly hope that CBS doesn’t start Three Rivers off against Grey’s or Private Practice, but is smart enough to get some numbers before going after that spot. Course I dont have alot of confidence in CBS since they cancelled Moonlight and now Twighlight is a sensation….

    Fingers crossed that it works for Alex.. and I will be sitting, watching with bells on!!

    1. I am happy that Alex has a new show, but I keep hoping CBS will see how many fans still want moonlight back and put it on. I know it is a pipe dream, but all the info on the net is current and the fans want it back. I will watch for Alex, but a show about organ transplants week after week sounds boring. I keep hoping for a moonlight return or a movie

  8. Tiffany wrote “With our butts in our seats watching TV in September and also Tivo-ing the show as those numbers are counted as well.”

    Oh cool! You’re all nielson households too? 🙂 Its SO worth all the annoyance just to be able to support your favorite shows.
    I’m so glad Three Rivers got picked up.

  9. Linda, perhaps CBS will tell us tomorrow with the official announcement it may also be undecided.

  10. Thanks Tiffany for the great news – it’s been a long wait. Do you have any futher details about day and time slot yet or is that too premature? Anyway, great news!!!!!


    Summer is great, but now I can’t wait for Fall! If anyone out there knows how to get in touch with Alex (TIFFANY?), tell him to listen for the screams and cheers as the word gets around.

    Isn’t it September yet?

  12. Alex actually said the split was like time out, which sort of mean time apart. SO no idea what’s going n there. Not sure I like Holly very much anyway. But whatever makes the man happy.

    Great news about 3 R’s. Not sure how long filiming Back Up pLan will last. They would know his dates of availability, and work on that.

    You American ladies will have to let us Aussies know when 3R’s gets aired. Our Channel 9 seems to pick up CBS programmes, but much later. I am still waiting for Big Wheel to be on , next week I think.. I can catch 3R’s on Youtube or surfthechnnel. like I did Big Wheel. Also had to watch 8 eps of Moonlight on there. We only got 8 eps aired on TV here/.

    I like Grey’s, so hope there is no conflict there McDreamy is cool, but no comparison with the A man.

  13. Tiffany, of course support him. When where should we be??? I’ll be there, And Tish, Holly is definitely hot and you’re right it’s stressful no matter what. Love the man in cap and T-shirt…like is said…coat of oil

    1. When where should we be???

      With our butts in our seats watching TV in September and also Tivo-ing the show as those numbers are counted as well.

  14. Like the chimes at Westminister Abbey!!!!

    Though a Moonlight fan to the endth and more, I am anxious for Alex to move Over Dr McDreamy, even though I love Grey’s as well…Do hope, as I have stated before, that CBS does not put the 2 medical dramas, on different networks, opposite each other in the Fall lineup… Grey’s has a long time following & its Season Finale this year has many wondering did they revive Izzy Stevens or not…I think they did, but we will see. And I would like to see Alex’s show put in a great time slot of its own & not opposing any long running favs on different networks, especially my fav shows are on ABC but want to be there for Three Rivers, too.. I do not have TiVo or any of that so it is watch cold and that is it…

    I do know that Alex is hotter, in both up & coming stardom & looks, than the old married Dr McDreamy, off TV is what I am talking about… And in acting, though there is something about Patrick Dempsey that sways me, I think Alex is far better looking and much mor talented in acting…

    And, Yes, Tiffany, I am hoping that Alex can meet this long term filming he is obliged to do…He does look very exhausted lately, but then he did put in 20 hour day, 6 days a week shifts for Moonlight…But then, of course, life was fun, it was a fun character to play, any young males wish to swoon the ladies off their feet while being a vampire (for some reason it is a very sensous and romantic character for any male to play; man or boy & Alex appears all man to me)’ And Alex was not also dealing with lose of someone in his life back then, either, so this must also be preying on his mind. It does not matter who called for the split, it is still stressful to both parties (though I do not see the other party, in that pix, having any show of stress on their face, yet is showing deeply on the other’s)…

    So, folks, no matter your beliefs, set a few seconds aside everyday to let who we believe in know it is important to many & his loved one to keep Alex going strong…

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