Three Rivers Wins an Award Already?

three rivers

Yep… On June 13, Donate Life Hollywood will honor CBS-TV’s new fall show Three Rivers with its first annual Inspire Award. Bestowed by the organ and tissue donation and transplant community, it will be presented at an awards dinner hosted at the Directors Guild of America as the culmination of the daylong Donate Life Film Festival.

How many other shows can boast about winning awards before they even air?

Source: Three Rivers TV Show

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15 Comments - Write a Comment

  1. Sorry, I forgot to include the Starfury website link:

    This was for the event held 12-14 June 2009 at the Thistle Hotel, Heathrow. Jason Dohring and Jordan Belfi (Josh) was suppose to be there.

  2. Alex already apologized to his fans regarding the Star Fury event in London over a month ago stating that he would not be there because he was filming The Back-Up Plan with Jennifer Lopez.

    Alex stated: I know that when you buy your tickets they tell you we (the actors) may not be there if we get a job, but I’m sorry all the same. I wanted to be there too but this film I could not pass up. I hope you guys understand.

    The Star Furry event in turned announced the change on their website over a month ago stating the following:

    It is with extreme regret that we must announce that previously announced guest Alex O’Loughlin will no longer be able to attend this event due to a scheduling conflict.

    We had worked long and hard to bring Alex over to the UK for an event, but he has just been cast in the film BACK UP PLAN which will be shooting from May through to all of June.

    His manager tried hard to fit the convention into his schedule, but sadly it did not work out this time.

    While we appreciate that those attending this event will be dissapointed, this is great news for Alex’s career, and good news for his fans in the long run.

    We are currently in the process of negotiating for replacement guests, and hope to bring Alex to another event at a later date.

    People should have read the postings online.

  3. Hi there Sandra Fegan,

    Nice meeting with you here, too… I am not certain if Alex made this awrd presentation… I do know, however, that last year it was announced that Alex & Jason were going to appear in London at the Moonlight Con, which was taking place the past few days… I was al hip on making the trip, so I called a reliable person who knows Alex & was told, “Don’t make the reservations yet since we do not know if he will be tied up in work then…and he has to work…” So I didn’t, but unfortunately some people here from the US did make plans, then came the news a short time ago that ALex would not appear…Jason Dohring was there however, but not Alex… So it is best to make certain in matters concerning any actor, their agents book them up & then sometimes there is over-booking, so we must also bid our salutations to the Moonlight actors agents to make certain they are aware of the goal of a ML movie… I am glad that those who attended the event still could meet some Moonlight notables, but what a shame, no Alex…Did not know if Sophia was there or not; from what I understand she went back to live in her native London long before her Visa would have been up in July of this year…

  4. Oops, I do not know who Joe; Solver is, but if you find his address somewhere, it won’t matter cause it won’t get us a Moonlight movie…

    #1 person to contact for that ML movie is JOEL SILVER, his address is on the thread I mentioned above…

    Sorry, my fingers never could get the knack of moving as fast as my brain thinks…

  5. Hi Pirox,

    If you would really like to see a Moonlight movie happen then you must write the letters necessary to draw the attention of those that matter, especially Joe; Solver… May I interest you into checking out the thread here on AOLO pertaining to just that goal… Gi to the Permalinks on the right hand column of this page & click on “Show We Still Believe In Vampires & Moonlight” link & get to see what comments there have been as well as the adresses you will need to write those letter to… And let others who loved Moonlight, as yourself, know that this Moonlight Movie Crusade is happening to secure the goal we all seek…a Moonlight movie…Also check out the other threads here at AOLO, all very interesting, but also to see others, also want more Moonlight anyway they can get it…

    I am looking forward, also to ALex’s new TV series, but Moonlight & Alex are synomous together….

  6. I am super glad that Three Rivers is getting an award! I am also psyched about The Back Up Plan! The one thing I would really like to see happen is a Moonlight movie! Of couse it would hae to star Alex and Sophia,I cannot wait to see Three Rivers! I need my weekly fix of Alex, I’ve been so deprived!!!

  7. I’m worried too.

  8. cant wait to see three rivers

  9. i hope moonlight comes back and i hope tht three rivers doesn’t get cancellied! and i hope alex o loughlin brings a movie in moonlight

  10. I agree that this is pretty cool, but I ‘m just a tad worried that this show might get over hyped.
    I’m not sure if that it possible in TV-land, but if something begins to sound like the second-coming, it rarely lives up to it’s overblown expectations.

    But don’t listen to me….I’m just a worry wart…….

  11. Yes, I did read a while back that Alex is supporting a cause related to this new show — something to do with transplants. When he was doing Moonlight, he supported the Blood Bank. In preparation for Three Rivers, he sat through 3 real neurosurgery operations so he could add realism to the show. What a guy!

  12. Tiffany, this is great! The show hasn’t begun yet and it’s already getting an award.
    What a great way to start. In a recent interview, Alex said he would be getting
    involved just as he did with the Red Cross. Alex must be thrilled. This is soooo

  13. How awesome for all connected with “Three Rivers” – now CBS has no choice but to ensure its continued success. I am sure that Alex will get totally involved in this cause just as he did for the American Red Cross. He must be so proud to know that “Three Rivers” is already making an impact.

  14. Wow, Tiffany, that is great…I hope this goes and adds to the pluses why CBS should order more episodes to be fimed & keeps 3Rs on more that one season or less…

    I have a very long time friend (actually since we went to parochial elementary school together, ending at 5 decades ago… He was a recipent of a heart back in 1996 & is still, thank the One Upstairs, doing well…so now he can watch his grandchildren grow…

  15. Wow. Wonder if ALex will be there, or too busy filming B.U P?

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