Whiteout Premiere Red Carpet Interview

Alex O'Loughlin, Kate Beckinsale, and Gabriel Macht at the WHiteout Premiere

Whiteout premiered last night in LA. Here is a video of a red carpet interview with Alex.

Also coverage of the cast as they give autographs. Alex appears about halfway through. And was that Mark Dacascos also there signing?? Love him too.


And here is a video of Alex at the Whiteout After Party in Brentwood. This video irritated me. A bunch of guys were having him sign autographs so they could sell them and they were trying to get him to sign photos that were not even him!

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  1. Tiffany , thank you for the great videos. Alex is a charmer, for sure!! He has such a beaautiful smile, and twinkle in his eye!!! OMG, I just melt!!!, He is always gracious to his fans, truly appreciates us. Keep em coming Tiffany!!

  2. I heard that some star’s use to charge money for their autograph and I couldn’t understand why until I just watched that video of men asking for his autograph. That just burned my butt, because I know they are going to end up on ebay. It’s not fair to the really true fan’s that would treasure the chance to get to talk to Alex or maybe get his autograph. Iam glad he did refuse to sign some of those pictures. You rock Alex.

  3. hi tiffany thanks for the white out premiere i just got done watching it as allways alex looks great and so nice i saw white out today and i did like it and alex acting was great i think he is going to be a great actor he has what it takes good looks and easy to work with and very much a gentleman
    this is for alex you are a new raising star good luck

  4. Always the gentleman that’s always Alex. Simply wonderful.

  5. Wown 3 beautiful person

  6. Great clips – thanks.

    FYI – Mark Dacascos will compete on Dancing With the Stars, premiering September 21 on ABC.

  7. Thanks Tiffany for all the Alex treats you get for us. I didn’t think it was possible to love
    that man more, but every time I see him on screen, I am proved wrong. Alex is pure

  8. thank you tiffany so much i just got done with the videos they where great and alex was so great with the fans i must say go alex

  9. Wow, I feel as tho’ I was actually there to see him in person. Thanks Tiffany for these great videos. I give Alex so much credit for his demeanor in the face of all that confusion. Don’t know how he can keep his cool with the rude and obnoxious ones. I too have a date to see Whiteout tomorrow with my grandson! Can’t wait. And I don’t give a rap what the critics are saying…we know how good Alex can be on the screen…that’s all that matters to me. Go Alex.

  10. Great work again Tiffany. so glad you are able to keep us informed and keep coming up with these great photos and videos of our boy. Alex is great, on and off the set. To be there in person to see him and get an autograph would be to die for. I’d never get the autograph just to turn around and sell for sure. It would be a treasured momentum of the moment I was that close to him. Kate will be getting the credit for the ratings the movie gets this weekend but alot of the ratings will be due to Alex’s fans going to see it even for the small role he has in it. I know I will be there watching it and no doubt buy it when it comes out on DVD. I even bought The Holiday for the small “kissing” role he had in it at the very beginning. Anything and everything thats Alex. Love that guy. He is such a sweet guy.

  11. Excellent work Tiffany. Thanks. Will def see the movie if it ever comes to Australia. Anyone know if it will and when? We then might get Alex back on our shores for a bit!

  12. Hi Tiffany. Thank you so much for all of the great posts on Alex and the Whiteout premiere. These are awesome. It’s great to be able to share in this. I, too, could not believe the rude behavior of the people asking for autographs, asking Alex about Holly, and shoving someone else’s photo in Alex’s face trying to get him to sign. He IS a class act and he handled himself with dignity and integrity. I’m with everyone else .. I never believe what the critics say. I cannot wait to see Whiteout and Alex’s role. He is a gentleman and very humble. That’s our Alex!

  13. i didnt get to see any of the videos!!!! :(((((( can u give me the direct link please please please

  14. Thanks Tiffany for the wonderful updates. I too am going to see the movie tomorrow afternoon when I get off work. Hope to see “Whiteout” as #1 at the box office when the weekend numbers are tallied. I’ve never paid attention to the critic’s reviews because what I’ve realized over the years is that if the critics like the movie…I will hate it and vice versa. I have to agree with eveyone else that Alex is truly a class act! I would have probably lost my “cool” with everyone screaming my name and wanting my attention. I’ve enjoyed all of the interviews with the cast talking about filming in the cold weather in Canada and how their bodies reacted. Living in Iowa and South Dakota my entire life, I get to enjoy this weather every winter…which is quickly approaching. Believe it or not, your body does get a little used to the cold weather…but you do have to be careful at times and dress accordingly. 🙂

  15. Hi ,It’s me once again . I felt Alex was surrounded by some very rude people and was just a gentleman as usual. been hearing not so good reviews for the movie,but I want to see for it for myself,even so can’t be Alex’s doing the role he played was small.Regardless I don’t go by the critics views, never have.

    1. For sure Gorgetta, I hope to go see it tomorrow night. I don’t care one iota what the critics say.

  16. Tiff, thank you for always keeping us updated.

    i was irrated by the guy that brought up Holly to Alex. Alex wouldn’t say anything negative about her. He acknowledge she was a sweetheart. what else would he say? He truly is a gentlemen. Just have to love his sweetness

  17. Oh Tiffany this Videos are so great, thank you so much!° Alex looks so great!!!

  18. Has anyone read the reviews???


    I’ll STILL see it, no matter what they say!

    1. I haven’t read them but I suspected it would not be very good. It was just a feeling I had when it took so many years to get it ready to release.

  19. This was just ambrosia!! The best ever!! The next best thing to being there. Many, many thanks for all your efforts!!

  20. This is the best yet. Thanks so much for gathering all this for his fans. Lets you see him in a little different perspective, and he is great. Thank You Tiffany

  21. Great to see Alex walking the red (white carpet). He truly deserves recognition.
    It annoyed me to see those guys just getting him to sign photos and random other stuff, purely to sell on to fans.
    I’m so glad he didn’t sign them!
    If this is the reaction he gets now, can you image what the the premier of The Back Up Plan will be like! he’s going to need a a couple of minders!
    Go Alex, we all love you to bits!

  22. OMG!!
    Tiffany you just made my day …
    Alex is such a sweet character and he seems absolutely “normal”, he remains humble and always available to answer … he seems very thankful to everyone around him like if he his truly grateful for the opportunities…
    His voice OMG his voice…

    OBRIGADA once again Tiffany.

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