Will Alex O’Loughlin Return to Hawaii Five 0 Season 9….

alex o'loughlin hawaii five 0

pic credit HNN 11-10-2017


“Will Alex O’Loughlin Return to Hawaii Five 0 Season 9?” That has been a question that has been debated since Alex himself said that season 8 would be his last one, back in October of 2016. Well that question remains and it probably will for a little longer. Alex was interviewed by TV Line and Entertainment Weekly yesterday (among a few) for his directorial debut airing next Friday night. Those more detailed interviews are expected to be released next week but in the meantime there was some more insight as to where things stand for Season 9 for Alex.

Alex said that he is willing to return for a couple more seasons and he is ready to be reasonable as long as CBS will do the same. In other words they are in the midst of negotiating this currently.

Here are some quotes from the articles.


I’m more open to continuing on than I was when we spoke a couple years ago,” the actor tells EW. “It’s a hard question to answer at the end of the season. I’m literally shooting episode 25 right now, and it happens to be episode 193 as well. All I want to do is collapse into my hiatus and go to bed for a couple weeks, but I am open to doing another couple of years. Hopefully we can make a deal.”


…I’ve got all these stem cells in my back, and I built a rehab gym in my garage, and I’ve been doing lots of workouts the last couple years, and I feel physically a lot better.”


In the meantime, the actor stepped behind the camera to direct the episode that airs March 30. “It was terrific,” he says. “It felt strangely natural.”

Read the full article here


“I don’t know that I’d say I got a ‘second wind’…,” he countered. “But is there a way that I can realistically see a Season 9 being a part of my life? I think so.”


I am still very tired at the end of the season, and after almost 200 episodes of television,” he added. “But I can sort of quietly and sensibly sit back and go, ‘There’s a version where if CBS can make a deal and be reasonable, then I’m prepared to be reasonable, too


“It’s a great show and a lot of people love it, but more importantly, we keep so many people employed in Hawaii who might otherwise be stacking boxes at a grocery mart,” he said. “It’s hard to get work out here and this feeds a lot of families, so it’s a really good thing. It’s really, really important.”

I’m sure there are [actors] that don’t let that affect them, it’s not part of their negotiation, but it is something I think about,”

Read the full article here 


TV Guide also released a version of a couple of articles spun together and you can read that here. Note TV Guide is owned by CBS so…


Since these few short articles were released we have read a lot of comments and interpretations of what fans are thinking. We, ourselves really appreciate the comments Alex made about the people he has worked with for the last eight years as he takes their livelihood into account. That just shows a special side of Alex that his fans have known for a long time. We are also really glad he is healed from his back injury so well.

Moving forward, the one thing that seems to be inevitable is if Alex returns for season 9, there will be less of him in it. In our opinion, it is very likely that CBS will renew Hawaii Five 0 for another season, (they have not done so yet) no matter what, so only time will tell what season 9 will actually look like. However, Hawaii Five 0 without Steve McGarrett seems paradoxical. 

Season 9 will bring about episode 200 and the 50th anniversary for Hawaii Five 0 so it will be an exciting year.  Let’s hope for the best all around. 






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4 Comments - Write a Comment

  1. I hope that Alex and Scott return the show would not be the same without them two.I love how they pick on each other gives the show some humor . I loved the orginal hawii 5o and it is so good to have another one like it. Keep up the good work and hope to see season 9

  2. Please continue Alex ? I am your number 1 fan from Norway love you all

    1. I’m so glad we love Alex so much

  3. I hope so because I’m Alex’s number one fan and would be so sad if he doesn’t return not the same without Alex

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